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The Cloquet Shaw Memorial Library Foundation, Inc

The Cloquet Shaw Memorial Public Library Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt foundation organized for the purpose of improving the library services of the Cloquet Public Library.  There are many ways in which you may contribute to the Cloquet Public Library. Please contact Beth Sorenson at the library for more information.


Planned gifts make a difference to the library. A planned gift is just that; it is considered and planned for by the donor during his/her lifetime to accommodate charitable giving interest as well as receive tax benefits. 
There are several ways to make a planned gift:
• Gifts made through a will or trust agreement
• Gifting an IRA
• Gift Annuity
• Gift of a remainder interest in a personal residence
Most people consult with an attorney or a financial planner to facilitate making these gifts. One of the most common ways to leave a planned charitable gift to the foundation is through a will or trust.


Why consider planned giving? There are as many motivations for a person’s charitable giving as there are people; giving of your resources and time to help others is one of the most personal acts you can make. But while our giving stories are all unique, they likely share one or more of the following motivations: 
• To help fulfill your life’s goals and passions
• To feel a sense of value and satisfaction
• To leave a lasting imprint on society while making a significant difference
• To unite family members around a purposeful mission
• To honor or memorialize a friend or loved one
• To give something back to a community
• To fulfill a responsibility or desire to be a leader in a community
• To connect with others who share our interests and passions
• To benefit from tax advantages
• To express gratitude or to say "thank you"

There is a need for additional funding to offset the construction costs of the new library addition. Donations can be made to the Library Foundation - Building Fund. For additional information on naming rights, see our Naming Rights Policy and a list of current needs.


Please consider including the Cloquet Shaw Memorial Public Library Foundation, Inc. in your consideration of a planned charitable gift.


Cloquet Shaw Memorial Public Library Foundation, Inc. 
Board of Directors:


Marla Ahlgren, Assistant Treasurer
Terry Anderson, President 
Larry Anderson, Secretary/Treasurer

Anja Bottila, Vice President

Mary Hagen
Alice Holm
Gerard Sordelet

Friends of the Cloquet Public Library 


Pat Brandstaetter, President

Martha Alm, Vice President

Angie Bomier, Secretary 

Larry Anderson, Treasurer 


The Friends of the Cloquet Public Library is a committee within the Shaw Memorial Public Library Foundation whose members volunteer and raise funds for the public library. Please contact the Cloquet Public Library for a brochure to apply for membership in the Friends of the Library or click here to download:

Cloquet Friends brochure.pdf


 We are accepting monetary donations. Click the Donate button below or on the top menu bar to give. We appreciate your generous contribution!

Cloquet Public Library

320 14th Street, Cloquet MN 55720


218.879.6531 (fax)


Library Hours

Monday 9:30 am - 7:30 pm 

Tuesday 9:30 am - 7:30 pm

Wednesday 9:30 am - 7:30 pm

Thursday 9:30 am - 7:30 pm

Friday 9:30 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday 9:30 am - 2 pm


© Cloquet Public Library 2023

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